Role of the Stem Cell Multidisciplinary Teams (MDT’s)

Many key decisions related to stem cell transplantation and donor selection are made today by a multidisciplinary team (MDT). The stem cell MDT will typically include all haematologists who have current patients, clinical nurse specialists from the stem cell team, a H&I scientist, the data manager for the unit and sometimes the quality lead for the unit. The team would also typically have access to a dietician, though they may not attend all meetings. Increasingly, a patient advocate may also attend the MDT. The key function of the stem cell MDT is to review all current patients, starting with their clinical history, to determine if they are suitable or remain suitable, for stem cell transplantation. The donor availability is then reviewed, looking at related and unrelated donors including cord. The MDT will make a choice of donor to proceed with based on advice from the H&I scientist, taking into account all HLA and non-HLA factors. The MDT will also decide on the transplant protocol to apply depending on the disease status and stage and the donor availability.